Blundstone SMELTER - SAFETY 230mm - 981

The #981 safety boots are packed with features including:

Designed for smelter work with flame retardant leather, flame resistant toe scuff cap protection and compression resistant 8 point Ssoftherm® upper insulation against radiant heat.
Comprehensive internal testing and risk analysis should be completed prior to using these products, as site and operating conditions vary between locations.

The outsole is heat resistant to temperatures up to at least 300°C and has a very high insulating value providing short term resistance to melting and cracks at higher than normal temperature ranges that may be encountered in an industrial environment.

Kevlar® stitching provides maximum strength and protection against metal splash and immersion.

Our ultimate Comfort Arch footbed is made from soft polyurethane, covered with a full length cushion of foam polyurethane, topped by a long-wearing mesh cover. This footbed has an airflow and moisture-wicking system and also includes a large pad of XRD® Extreme Impact Protection under the ball of the foot.